Eight expressions with "Get"
Welcome back to The Art of Business English. In this week's episode I have got 8 expressions that use the verb "get". This verb is commonly used to form phrasal verbs and expressions in English.
Let's check them out!
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Get into
Meaning: to become interested in an activity or subject, or start being involved in an activity.
Example: I am really getting into playing volleyball.
Get wrong
Meaning: If someone is wrong, they are not correct in their judgment or statement about something.
Example: Understanding financial figures is an easy thing to get wrong if not studied well.
Get caught
Meaning: to discover, see, or realize something, especially someone doing something wrong.
Example: If the thieves get caught, they could go to jail.
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Get in touch with
Meaning: to establish communication with someone..
Example: It’s very important that you get in touch with the manager soon.
Get rid of
Meaning: to free a person or place of something unwanted or harmful.
Example: We need to get rid of some staff, a leaner company will result in more profits.
Get off
Meaning: to leave a place.
Example: If you don’t have a ticket, you must get off the train.
Get ill
Meaning: to be or become ill or unwell.
Example: Jessie didn’t come to India because she didn’t want to get ill.
Get to know
Meaning: to spend time with someone or something so that you gradually learn more about him, her, or it.
Example: It’s impossible to get to know someone in just a day.
Final thoughts
That wraps up today's episode. I am sur you will agree that these expressions are very useful and easy to remember.
Don't forget to enrol in our idioms course or grab a copy of my eBook to further expand on your knowledge of English vocavulary.
See you next week!
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