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  • Talk about achievement with these 20 Goal-Oriented Collocations

Achievement is something that everyone strives for in their personal and professional lives. Whether it's meeting a personal goal or exceeding expectations at work, we all want to feel accomplished. However, sometimes it can be challenging to articulate your achievements and goals effectively. That's where goal-oriented collocations come in handy. These phrases can help you express your accomplishments and aspirations with precision and clarity.

In this article, we'll explore 20 powerful goal-oriented collocations that will help you communicate your achievements with confidence. From "exceeding expectations" to "breaking new ground," these collocations are essential for anyone looking to make a lasting impression in their personal or professional life. So, let's dive in and discover how these goal-oriented collocations can help you communicate your achievements effectively.

Why are goal-oriented collocations important?

Goal-oriented collocations are essential because they help you express your achievements and aspirations clearly and concisely. When you use these phrases, you can communicate what you have accomplished and what you hope to achieve in the future. This is especially important in professional settings like job interviews, performance evaluations, and networking events.

By using goal-oriented collocations, you can make a strong impression and demonstrate your competence and ambition.

What are goal-oriented collocations?

Goal-oriented collocations are phrases that combine a verb or adjective with a noun to express achievement or aspiration. For example, "exceed expectations" is a goal-oriented collocation that combines the verb "exceed" with the noun "expectations."

 Other examples of goal-oriented collocations include "set the standard," "raise the bar," and "break new ground." These phrases are powerful because they express achievement and aspiration in a concise and impactful way.

Examples of goal-oriented collocations

Let's take a look at 20 powerful goal-oriented collocations that you can use to communicate your achievements and aspirations:

Exceed expectations

Definition: to do better than what is anticipated or required.

Sample Sentence: The company's profits exceeded expectations this quarter.

Set the standard

Definition: to establish a level of quality or performance.

Sample Sentence: This new product sets the standard for design in the industry.

Raise the bar

Definition: to set a higher standard or expectation.

Sample Sentence: The new employee's work ethic has raised the bar for the team.

Break new ground

Definition: to do something original or innovative.

Sample Sentence: The company's innovative product broke new ground in the industry.

Reach new heights

Definition: to achieve higher levels of success or excellence.

Sample Sentence: The mountaineer successfully reached new heights on her expedition.

Push the boundaries

Definition: to explore new limits or go beyond established norms.

Sample Sentence: The artist constantly pushes the boundaries of traditional artwork.

Go above and beyond

Definition: to exceed expectations and do more than required.

Sample Sentence: The dedicated employee always goes above and beyond to satisfy customers.

Surpass goals

Definition: to go beyond set targets or objectives.

Sample Sentence: The team worked hard to surpass their sales goals for the quarter.

Achieve greatness

Definition: to attain a high level of success or achievement.

Sample Sentence: Through dedication and hard work, the athlete was able to achieve greatness in her sport.

Make strides

Definition: to make significant progress or advancements.

Sample Sentence: Our company has made strides in reducing its environmental impact.

Break records

Definition: to surpass previously set records or achievements.

Sample Sentence: The sprinter broke records at the track meet, setting a new personal best.

Deliver excellence

Definition: to consistently provide high-quality performance or service.

Sample Sentence: The chef takes pride in delivering excellence with every dish.

Drive innovation

Definition: to lead or push forward with new ideas or advancements.

Sample Sentence: The tech company's research and development team strives to drive innovation.

Foster growth

Definition: to nurture or support the development and expansion.

Sample Sentence: The mentor helped foster the growth of the young entrepreneur's business.

Create impact

Definition: to make a significant or meaningful difference.

Sample Sentence: The charity's efforts have created a positive impact on the community.

Build a legacy

Definition: to establish a lasting impact or reputation.

Sample Sentence: The philanthropist wanted to build a legacy of charitable contributions.

Lead the way

Definition: to be at the forefront or take the lead in something.

Sample Sentence: The company's commitment to renewable energy sources leads the way in sustainability.

Embrace change

Definition: to accept and adapt to new or different circumstances.

Sample Sentence: In order to thrive, the company had to embrace change in the market.

Think outside the box

Definition: to come up with creative or innovative ideas.

Sample Sentence: The team brainstormed by thinking outside the box to find a solution.

Embody success

Definition: to represent or personify the characteristics of success.

Sample Sentence: The hardworking entrepreneur embodies success in the business world.

Using goal-oriented collocations in personal achievements

Goal-oriented collocations can be used in personal achievements to express what you have accomplished and what you hope to achieve in the future. For example, if you have completed a challenging fitness program, you could say, "I set the standard for myself and exceeded my expectations by completing the program." Or, if you have achieved a personal goal, you could say, "I went above and beyond to achieve my goal and make strides towards personal growth." By using goal-oriented collocations, you can communicate your achievements with precision and impact.

Using goal-oriented collocations in professional achievements

Goal-oriented collocations are especially important in professional settings because they can help you make a strong impression and demonstrate your competence and ambition. For example, in a job interview, you could say, "I have a track record of driving innovation and fostering growth in my previous roles." Or, in a performance evaluation, you could say, "I consistently deliver excellence and exceed goals in my work." By using goal-oriented collocations, you can communicate your achievements and aspirations in a way that demonstrates your value to potential employers or colleagues.

How to incorporate goal-oriented collocations into your resume or CV

If you want to make a strong impression on potential employers, it's important to incorporate goal-oriented collocations into your resume or CV. This can help you communicate your achievements and aspirations in a concise and impactful way. For example, instead of saying, "Managed a team of ten employees," you could say, "Led the way in managing a high-performing team of ten employees." Or, instead of saying, "Increased sales by 20%," you could say, "Surpassed sales goals and achieved a 20% increase in revenue." By using goal-oriented collocations, you can make your achievements stand out and demonstrate your value to potential employers.

Common mistakes to avoid when using goal-oriented collocations

While goal-oriented collocations can be powerful tools for communication, it's important to use them correctly to avoid common mistakes. One mistake to avoid is using them too often, which can make you sound repetitive or insincere. Another mistake is using them inappropriately, such as using a collocation that doesn't accurately reflect your achievements or aspirations. It's also important to avoid using clichéd or overused collocations that may not make a strong impression. By using goal-oriented collocations correctly and sparingly, you can make a strong impression and communicate your achievements effectively.

Practice exercises to improve your use of goal-oriented collocations

If you want to improve your use of goal-oriented collocations, there are several practice exercises you can try. One exercise is to write down your achievements and aspirations and brainstorm different goal-oriented collocations that accurately reflect them. Another exercise is to practice using goal-oriented collocations in conversations or in writing, such as in emails or social media posts. You can also read articles or speeches by successful people and analyze how they use goal-oriented collocations to communicate their achievements and aspirations.

Business Idioms

This six module course helps English language learners build their knowledge of business idioms and their understanding of them in different business scenarios.

We cover idioms for marketing, finance, behaviour, operations and production, manegament and planning.

Conclusion and final thoughts

Achievement is an essential aspect of every individual's life, and goal-oriented collocations can help you communicate your achievements and aspirations effectively. By using these phrases, you can express what you have accomplished and what you hope to achieve in the future with precision and impact. Whether it's in personal or professional settings, goal-oriented collocations can help you make a strong impression and demonstrate your competence and ambition. So, next time you want to talk about achievement, remember these 20 powerful goal-oriented collocations and communicate with confidence.

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Andrew is the CEO and founder of the Art of Business English. Besides teaching and coaching native Spanish speakers in Business English, he is also passionate about mountain biking, sailing and healthy living. When He is not working, Andrew loves to spend time with his family and friends.

Andrew Ambrosius

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