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Ten verb to noun collocations for business

Hi again, and welcome to another episode and to the continuation of my mini-series into collocations. In this week’s episode I am looking at verb-noun collocations for business.

If you missed last week’s episode on noun-noun collocations then you can check it out here.

Let’s jump in and continue with our mini-series on collocations.

Verb to noun collocation for business

Bear in mind

Meaning: to take into consideration

Break off negotiations

Meaning: to not continue with a negotiation

To cease trading

Meaning: To no longer operate as a company

Watch the episode here

Chair a meeting

Meaning: To lead a meeting

Close a deal

Meaning: accept the conditions of a business agreement

Come to the point

Meaning: stipulate the main idea

Dismiss an offer

Meaning: To reject a proposal

Draw a conclusion

Meaning: reach a decision

Draw your attention to

Meaning: highlight

Lay off staff

Meaning: to fire or sack from employment

Verb to noun collocations in context

Now that we have the collocations and we understand their meaning, let’s take a look at the table below and learn to use this new vocabulary in context. I also provide the Spanish translation for you.




Bear in mind

“Bear in mind that the authors of these books also have agendas.”

Tener en cuenta

Break off negotiations

“He said he decided almost immediately after the hostile takeover bid to break off negotiations.”

Romper las negociaciones

Cease trading

“A company can cease trading and still be registered at Companies House.”


Chair a meeting

“He will also chair a meeting of the International Democratic Union.”

Presidir una reunión

Close a deal

“I told her not to come back until she closed a deal.”

Lograr cerrar un acuerdo

Come to the point

“John, could you please come to the point, so we all understand what you really mean?”

Ir al grano

Dismiss an offer

“The manager dismissed his employee’s offer of a dinner date.”

Descartar una oferta

Draw a conclusion

“We have drawn a conclusion that this offer is too good to pass up.”

Llegar a una conclusión

Draw your attention to

“I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this company is in dire financial difficulty.”

Llamar la atención

Lay off staff

“Many companies have been forced to lay off staff as a result of the corona virus.”


Final thoughts

Learning collocations is a really easy way to quickly improve your business English. Collocations are very common and they are a great way of making your English sound more native.

I encourage you to take some notes on the above list and start using them in your next business interaction. Take your favourite three from the list and use them in an email straight away, I am sure you will find some that are relevant to a business situation.

Don’t forget to grab your copy of my eBook so you can learn all the collocations you need to know for business.

I will see you all next week on the Art of Business English, till then, take care.

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500 Business English Collocations for Everyday Use

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Andrew is the CEO and founder of the Art of Business English. Besides teaching and coaching native Spanish speakers in Business English, he is also passionate about mountain biking, sailing and healthy living. When He is not working, Andrew loves to spend time with his family and friends.

Andrew Ambrosius

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