Ten expressions for speculating
Hey there and welcome to another episode of The Art of Business English. This week I am going to be introducing you to some very native expressions that we often use to speculate.
So, here is the definition of speculate, so you are clear where we are going with this today. Meaning, to consider or think curiously about (something); suppose, propose, or wonder.
As you can see from the above example, speculating is a very important and commonly used function of business. Speculating can also mean betting on the stock market. Today, however, we are going to be focusing on the type of language we can use when we want to consider or propose something, as this is very useful in our daily business interactions.
Let’s dive in.
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To wonder
Meaning: to think about and ask oneself about something.
To be curious about.
Example: I wonder what time Jim will arrive.
Kind of
Meaning: to some (great or small) extent
Example: she kind of looks lost, maybe you should see if she is OK.
Hazard a guess
Meaning: Take an uncertain guess at something
Example: I’d hazard a guess and say that he was born in Brazil.
Looks to me
Meaning: seems, to me, I guess or appears to me to be
Example: It looks to me as though we won’t meet our expansion targets.
Make a guess
Meaning: to give an opinion about (something) without enough evidence or without knowing for certain if it is true.
Example: f I had to make guess; I’d say that he’s about seventy years old.
To give the impression of
Meaning: to seem or appear like
Example: He gives the impression of someone who can’t be trusted.
Seems to me
Meaning: appears or looks like
Example: It seems to me that we need to make some adjustments to our initial plan.
Pretty sure
Meaning: quite certain or almost certain about something
Example: I am pretty sure that we agreed in the last meeting that the deadline was this Friday. Can someone check the minutes?
Dare say
Meaning: take a risk in saying something you’re not 100% sure about
Example: I dare say you seem to have got your dates confused. The meeting isn’t until next week.
Could be
Meaning: to express possibility
Example: He could be the new hire, but I can’t say for sure.
Final thoughts
I hope you enjoyed these ten useful expressions to help you speculate. Now, my advice to you is to be on the look out for situations at work this week for opportunities to use one or some of these expressions. I am sure if you start being aware of the contents of your next email or business meeting you will quickly find a chance to use some of these.
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